Discover Howlite
- Teaches patience and controls anger
- Assists in staying focused
- Quiets the mind - good for sleep and meditation
- Helpful for cooling heated emotions and regaining emotional balance
- Strengthens the memory and instills a need for knowledge
- Helps to ensure clear and calm communication
- Assists in balancing the left and right hemispheres of the brain
- Balances calcium levels in the body
- Supports good health of sinuses, eyes, ears and nose
Goddess: White Buffalo Calf Women
Chakras: Root, Third Eye & Crown Chakras
Element: Earth
How to use
- Wear as jewelry or carry in pocket in situations where anger may arise
- Wear as a pendant near your heart chakra to renew your patience and love for others
- Place on third eye to open memories of other lives
- Use during meditation to enhance your telepathic, psychometric and visionary intuition
- And, of course - use in your roller bottles…
Howlite works well with...
- I breathe with a calm clear mind.
- My mind Is focused, strong and patient.
Essential Oil:
- Rosemary - knowledge & transition
- Cardamom - objectivity
- Thyme - releasing & forgivig
- Spearmint - confident speach
- Douglas fir - generational wisdom
- Neroli - shared purpose & partnership
- Hold howlite during meditation to support a calm mind and increase focus.
- Surrender/Savasana, Seated Forward Fold, Sun Salutations
Interesting Facts:
- Howlite known as an imitation stone. It is often dyed imitate a turquoise, coral or lapis lazuli gemstone.
- Found In Irregular shaped nodules that look like cauliflower.
- First discovered In Canada In 1868 by Henry How.
- Known to Native American tribes as the White Buffalo Stone and was a key component In Native American traditions.