Easy Ways To Support Aquarius Zodiac Sign & Season Energy

What Is Aquarius Zodiac Sign/Season All About

This season is a time for uniqueness! Aquarius energy moves with independence, innovation and out of the box thinking. Be aware of moments when you become detached, carless and lack clarity. Aquarius energy can inspire an open heart, authenticity and new connections.

Strengths: Intelligence, Creativity and Friendship

Challenges: Emotional Detachment, Scatterbrained and Becoming Irresponsible

Supportive Tools For Aquarius Zodiac Energy

Essential Oils

Grounding - Clove, Frankincense,Patchouli

Protection - Clove, Frankincense, Juniper Berry

Self-acceptance - Bergamot, Patchouli, Jasmine

Spiritual Growth - Frankincense, Holy Basil,

Blue Lotus, Sandalwood

Vitality - Wild Orange, Lemon, Peppermint

Crystals & Gemstones


Black Onyx




Grab The DIY Rollerbottle Magic Guide Book ⤵️

Supportive Essential Oil Blend

Recipe for 10 ML Roller Bottle

6 drops Frankincense

4 drops Sandalwood

4 drops Bergamot

3 drops Wild Orange

3 drops Clove

Fill the rest of the bottle with your favorite carrier oil.


Garnet, Amethyst and/or Rhodonite