Dragon Bloodstone

Stone of Strength & Vitality

Discover Dragon Bloodstone


Personal Power



Self Healing




New Beginnings


Brigid - the Irish Goddess of Fertility

Dione - the Phoenician Earth Goddess

Persephone - the Greek Goddess of Spring


Root & Heart Chakras



How To Use

⭐️ Meditate with a piece on your heart chakra to bring personal power rooted in love

⭐️ Carry a piece in your pocket when looking for a new place to live or during any new beginning

⭐️ Wear as a piece of jewelry when working on big goals and tasks that demand a lot from you

⭐️ Keep a piece near you during any creative activity

⭐️ Use to balance your root chakra and connect with your heart chakra

⭐️ Put chips and/or rollerball in a roller bottle with essential oils

Dragon Bloodstone Works Well With...


I Am Grounded In Courage, Confidence And Strength.

As I Step Into My Power I Heal Myself.

Essential Oils

Confidence - Bergamot, Patchouli, Jasmine

Courage - Helichrysum, Ginger, Clove, Thyme

Creativity - Wild orange, Clary Sage, Tangerine

Balance - Frankincense, Petitgrain, Patchouli

Self Healing - Helichrysum, Jasmine, Geranium, Rose


⭐️ Meditation with Dragon Bloodstone to encourage courageous self healing.

⭐️ Bring Dragon Bloodstone to your yoga practice for energy and spiritual connection. Simply place on your mat or in your pocket while practicing.

Grab The DIY Rollerbottle Magic Guide Book ⤵️

Legend of Dragon Bloodstone

Ancient Aborigines cultures say that Dragon Blood Jasper was formed from the remains of deceased dragons - the red being the dragon’s blood while the green was from the scales/skin. The energy contained within these gemstones is called kundalini, the dragon’s energy.


➡️ In ancient times, warriors would carry Dragon Bloodstone as a talisman for protection, strength and courage. It was also believed to heal wounds, bring empowerment and vitality while boosting morale.

➡️ The fire and earth energy of a dragon was also believed to ignite the fire within man; fostering strength of body and heart to defeat any enemy.

➡️ In traditional Chinese culture, jade carvings often feature Dragon’s Blood stone as a symbol of power, wealth, and protection.

➡️ In some African cultures, it has been used in rituals and ceremonies for its perceived spiritual properties.