Discover Blue Kyanite
- Known as the stone of attunement
- Very high vibrational, pushing you into a constant state of acension.
- Opens the throat chakra, encouraging communication and self-expression.
- Cuts through fears and blockages, helping you to speak your truth.
- An extraordinary crystal of connection.
- Opens the mind centers, enhancing telepathic and psychic abilities, bridging gaps in all communication efforts, and providing a link for transmitting or receiving healing energy.
- Aligns the chakras and subtle bodies, bringing tranquility and a calming effect to the whole being.
- An exceptional stone for transitioning into deep meditative states.
Chakras: Throat & Third Eye Chakra
Element: Water & Air
How to use
- Very useful for public speakers and performers as it strengthens the voice and heals the throat and the larynx.
- Placed by your bedside it will induce dream recall and promote healing dreams.
- Used in feng shui as it has the water energy, encouraging stillness, organic growth, and a sense of purity.
- Place around your home in the social areas to promote harmony.
- Used in your office or work area it will promote creative business communication.
- A natural pain reliever.
- Assists with recovery from physical trauma.
- Helps lower blood pressure, lessen inflammation and fight off infections.
Blue Kyanite works well with...
- I am open to receive divine wisdom that enhances my communication.
- I welcome positive transformation with clear communication.
- True Communication - Lavender, Spearmint
- Calm - Lavender, Patchouli, Roman Chamomile, Sandalwood
- Harmony - Lavender, Lemon, Sandalwood
- Creativity - Wild Orange, Clary Sage, Tangerine
- Dream Recall - Clary Sage, Rose, Sandalwood
- Pain - Copaiba, Frankincense, Clove, Lemongrass
- Blood Pressure - Ylang Ylang, Marjoram, Cypress
- Meditate with kyanite to access Intuitive guidance for communication.
- Use kyanite with yoga poses like tree, dancer, puppy, thread the needle.
Interesting Facts
- Kyanite is one of the two minerals on the planet that neither accumulates nor retains negative energy, and therefore never needs cleansing.
- Kyanite comes from the Greek work, kuanos or kyanos, meaning “deep blue,” and was once commonly called Disthene, which means “two strengths.”
- Until the 20th century Blue Kyanite was confused with sapphire which means It doesn't have a history of Its own.
- Some say it was used as a compass in ancient times and that Archangel Michel's sword was made of kyanite but there Is no way to know If these statements are true.